ハイカー君の代理日記:ネパール アンナプルナ・トレッキング⑤Upper Pisang→ Ghyaru


毎日、バックパックを背負って歩き続けていれば、疲れても来ますし、食べるものも偏りがあるのかなとも思います。この辺りの自分自身との向き合い方こそが長期のトレッキングには重要なことだと思います。標高は3,300m ほど。日本で考えれば、ほぼ富士山レベルですからね。無理も無い。貧血などもあるので、様子を見ながら。この日に再出発。


ネパールでは 約80%がヒンズー教徒。でも、多くの宗教の存在があるようで、あちこちに写っている5色の旗は「タルチョ」はチベット仏教に関係しているとのこと。




This day he went to the upper Pisang. An hour after leaving the day before, he was so dizzy that he could not walk, so he turned back to the guesthouse.
If you keep walking with a backpack on your back every day, you will get tired and the food you eat will be unbalanced. I think it is important to deal with oneself in this area when trekking for a long period of time. The altitude is about 3,300 meters above sea level. In Japan, it is almost the same level as Mt.Fuji. No wonder having anemia, etc., so better keep an eye on it. He started again on the next day without any problems.

The guesthouse for the day was here. I don’t know the name, but there is a store outside, and I like this store because it is woody, but the price is mountain price. It seems to be quite expensive.

And, as one would expect from a place of faith at such a high altitude, there is a temple here.
In Nepal, about 80% of the population is Hindu. The five-colored flags in the picture here and there are related to Tibetan Buddhism. From there, he went further up to a village called Ghyaru, about 3,670 meters above sea level.

This is the highest altitude in the world. The snow-capped mountains were coming closer. And the autumn leaves? The trees are changing colors.
Considering that the animals and people living here are living at the same altitude as Mt. Fuji level every day!
At this altitude, the trick is to walk slowly. I heard that the trick is to walk slowly.

