前回の湖、Lake Tilichoの後、3日ほどインターネットが繋がらないエリアへ。標高が高すぎるんですね。。Yak Kharkaは標高4,020mほどらしいのですが、どこを歩いているのか何ともわかりにくいので、リサーチをしてみました。


THRONG BASE CAMP LODGE & RESTAURANT そこから、さらに歩き、Throng la pass Hight campです。標高4,925m!!!

そして、 Thorong La Pass 5,416m へ到達。アンナプルナ サーキットの最高到達地点です。

After the last lake, Lake Tilicho, he went to an area with no internet connection for 3 days. The altitude is too high, isn’t it? Yak Kharka seems to be about 4,020 meters above sea level, but it’s kind of hard to tell where he is walking, so I did some research.
Now I have some idea. So he goes up another 2,000 meters from a height of Mt.Fuji.
THRONG BASE CAMP LODGE & RESTAURANT From there, he walked further to Throng la pass Hight camp. The altitude is 4,925 meters!
Then, he reached Thorong La Pass 5,416m. This is the highest point of the Annapurna Circuit.
