4,150mのLake Tilicho base campに到着。

この日は、Hotel Moon Lakeへ宿泊。





そして、到着です。Lake Tilicho。結構多く訪れる方もいますね。行かれる方は、万全の装備でお願いします!!この後は、base campのホテルに戻ります。そして、高山に慣れてきたので、あと3日くらいで5,400mを超えられると思うとハイカー君は言っています。
He arrived at Lake Tilicho base camp at 4,150m.
The photos of the day show that he is getting closer and closer to the summit.
This is not a normal route, but a side track.
He stayed at Hotel Moon Lake this day.
Hiker-kun was surprised to learn that many people leave at 3 am to get to the lake.
He said it takes 6h to get there and 4h on the way back. The lake is about 4,900 meters above sea level.
Many people are staying there. Local Nepalese people also seem to go for a short trip to the lake for one night.
And, he said, he can see this one from his room
It looks like Donkey is carrying firewood.
The high altitude, lack of trees, and lack of transportation means that they rely on animals for transportation.
The restaurant’s menu is also the highest at this degree, which seems to add to the cost of transportation.
And finally, the next day, he goes to the lake.
“Torture on the way, Hell on the way back.” Hiker-kun said.
Because it was snowy and slippery on the way back, and he had to slide down the slope many times. And he hates snow, he said. He also said that he will avoid the next hiking season when it snows.
It’s tough, of course, in a way, since there is so much snow and the altitude.
Avalanches can also be seen in places.
And here he is at Lake Tilicho. If you are going, please make sure you are fully equipped! After this, he will return to the base camp hotel. And now that he is getting used to the high mountains, Hiker-kun says he thinks he can go over 5,400m in about 3 more days.
