前日に空いているゲストハウスが無く、長い時間歩いたので、この日はTatopaniに滞在することに。1,190mに位置し、Poon Hillというとても有名なポイントへ行く出発点なので、ゲストハウスが多く、温泉が人気のエリア。町の横を川が流れ、少し湿度が高いそうです。

滞在したHOTEL ANNAPURNAで遅めの朝食をとって、この日は少し歩く予定で出発。

Shikraという1,900mあたりの町。少し町を歩き、明日は1,000m UP とのことです。おそらく、今回の最後の大きな登りになる予定。

ここで、日中に洗濯をして、おかわり自由のDal batをいただく。場所によってそれぞれの味がるので飽きがこないみたいです。このゲストハウスではオランダからの子連れ家族に出会ったとのことで、子供を背負えるバックパックで旅をしているとのこと。脱帽です。勿論、ガイドとポーターを連れているとのことです。皆さんそれぞれ自然を楽しんでいるようです。
Since there was no guesthouse available the day before and he had walked for a long time, he decided to stay in Tatopani, an area with many guesthouses and popular hot springs because it is located at 1,190m and is the starting point to go to a very famous point called Poon Hill. The river runs next to the town and is a bit humid.
Shockingly, too, they seem to be dumping garbage from the guesthouses into the river, and they are throwing away big bags, old appliances, and so on.
He had a late breakfast at the HOTEL ANNAPURNA where we stayed, and left for the day with plans to walk a bit.
He walked for 4 hours and decided to stay that night where we had a late lunch, fried noodles with vegetables and cheese.
Shikra, a town around 1,900m. We walked around the town a bit and tomorrow we will be 1,000m UP. This will probably be the last big climb of the day.
Here, he did his laundry during the day and had a free refill of dal bat. Each place has its own flavor, so it seems I never get tired of it. In this guesthouse, Hiker-kun met a family with children from Holland, and they are traveling with backpacks that can carry their children on their backs. Of course, they have a guide and a porter with them.
Everyone seems to be enjoying nature in their own way.

![]() | D29 地球の歩き方 ネパールとヒマラヤトレッキング 2021〜2022 (地球の歩き方D アジア) [ 地球の歩き方編集室 ] 価格:2,200円 |
