Mt. Fuji Opening 〜富士山山開き


Fuji climbing season has begun again in 2022. Please do your homework on safety, risks, etc., and be very careful before you go!
Open: Yoshida Route 7/1~9/10
Other routes are scheduled to open between 7/10 and 9/10.


・Please be sure to check the official website for climbing Mt. Fujiin advance to ensure that you understand and enjoy your climb.
The number of toilets is limited and some are closed depending on the time of year. Please check in advance. (There is a fee; please be prepared to pay in coins.)
・There are no rest facilities along the way. Please be sure to be in good physical condition.
The lodge is a simple place to take a nap. It may be crowded, so advance reservations are recommended.
・Please be prepared for any emergency.
・Please follow the etiquette for climbing Mt.Fuji


Fuji Ascent Race : The 75th Fuji Ascent Race will be held on July 29, 2022. General climbers are advised to avoid this date.
Yoshida no hi-matsuri (fire festival): Yoshida no hi-matsuri (fire festival) is an autumn festival of both Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine and Suwa Shrine, and is a festival of Mt. Fuji.
Lake Yamanakako “Hojo Matsuri” Fireworks Display: August 1, 2022, 20:00~ @ Lake Yamanakako shore, 14,000 shots planned
Kawaguchiko Lake “Lake Festival” Fireworks Display: August 5, 2022, 19:45~ @ Lake Kawaguchi, 10,000 planned shots
Tabi-no-eki Kawaguchiko base: A complex facility will open in June 2022 where visitors can enjoy the attractions of Fuji, Yamanashi, and the surrounding area, from a lively marché featuring local products and specialties to restaurants serving locally produced food.
Peach and grape picking: In the Kofu Basin, a short distance from Mt. Fuji.

・山中湖「報湖祭」花火大会:2022年8月1日20:00~ @山中湖湖畔 14,000発予定
・河口湖「湖上祭」花火大会:2022年8月5日19:45~   @河口湖畔  10,000発予定
旅の駅 Kawaguchiko base:こだわりの地産・特産の商品が並ぶにぎやかなマルシェから、地産地食を味わうレストランまで、富士・山梨、近隣の魅力を楽しむことのできる複合施設が2022年6月にオープン。

